
Thank you for sending a request.

We will try to solve your problem as soon as possible.

Support & FAQ

Please read the "Frequently Asked Questions" section at the end of the page before sending a support request.

Thank you.

I have a problem and need help!

(Tap to submit a support request)

Hi, thank you for taking the time to send a support request!

Please fill out the form below as detailed as possible. This will enable us to track down the error and help you faster.

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What´s your e-mail address?

The support team will reply to this e-mail address.

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What device are you playing on?

Please select the one closest to your device. If your device is not included in the list please mention it in the details section at the end of the form.

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Have you been looking for an answer in the "Frequently Asked Question" section at the end of the page?

Maybe the answer you need is already there. Give it a try and go to the FAQ section now.

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Detailed description

Please describe the error you experienced as detailed as you can. This will help us to track down the error and fix it. Usually the most helpful information is what happened just before and after the error occurred.

Thank you!


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I play this game on Facebook?

(Tap to show/hide)

You can play it on any of the following platforms.

  • google
  • apple
  • crazy-games
  • windows
  • windows-store
  • tizen
  • facebook